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This website has been developed to help point individuals to published guidance and on-going initiatives in the construction and related industries.

There is an immense amount of activity on carbon-related topics spread across a range of government, industry and research sectors. The scope of the work varies from macro issues, such as global carbon initiatives to micro issues such as the determination of embodied energy of specific construction materials.

This presently is a prototype site, and data collection is on-going.

Scope and coverage
There are seven topic areas which are considered under this website:

For each of the seven areas, a brief overview of the scope of the topic is provided. Each overview also identifies a short list of key documents which will provide a fuller briefing on the topic.

However, we have also compiled a list of key references that will provide a balanced overview of guidance and information across the seven topics - please click here.


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This website is managed and maintained by CIRIA